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About Tanya Green


Ok here we go....  I currently live in Belfast, Northern Ireland. 


I first started taking up digital art way back many moons ago using an old Apple Mac in school (it is amazing what a basic drawing tool can do believe me!)  And I guess I've come on leaps and bounds since then.


Another reason why I prefer using a computer for drawing is I find is easier to draw in that way rather than the usual pencil/paper stuff.  If you suffer from a debilitating illness that effects the very little things in will understand.


As well as drawing, I am a passionate archery fanatic.  I have been shooting recurve for the last two years and I know this might sound cheesy, but it really is life changing.  Just the thought of being outside with the archery gear, the sound of birds, the air etc.....I guess that it has helped to bring the art side of me out a bit.


I also can do commission sketches, just email me with your details.



And lastly, I hope everyone enjoys my page and I certainly will be doing updates as I go along






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